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- Successful (funded) application at Lund University for establishing a PhD student course on Cochrane reviews.
- Presentation of a Cochrane review at Neonatal European meeting (“Sustained versus standard inflations during neonatal resuscitation to reduce mortality and improve respiratory outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis”), Venezia.
- Conference call and face-to-face meeting on systematic reviews at Stockholm Environment Institute.
- Presentation of Cochrane at pre-clinical researchers group at Lund University, BioMedical Centre.
- Presentation “Cochrane Sweden: getting involved as researchers and clinicians in psychiatry”, Stockholm. Many thanks to Kristoffer Månsson.
- Meeting in Malmö with regional HTA.
- Presentation on Cochrane evidence at Scientific Day, Ystad. Many thanks to Sergio Padoan and Cecilia Malmvik. See image below!

- Presentation on Cochrane evidence at Scientific Day, Kristianstad. Many thanks to Sergio Padoan and Cecilia Malmvik. See image below!

- Presentation at a course for PhD students at Lund University Library, Lund. Many thanks to Yvonne Hultman Özek.
- Presentation at national physiotherapy congress (“Introducing Cochrane Sweden and Cochrane Work – Opportunities for conducting and implementing effectiveness research”), Stockholm. Many thanks to Charlotte Wåhlin.
- Presentation at the national conference of obstetricians and neonatologists on subgroup analysis of a systematic review, Stockholm.
- Together with Cochrane Austria, contribution to a 2-day course at Cochrane Russia, in Kazan. Many thanks to Ziganshina Liliya Eugenyevna.
- Presentation on Cochrane evidence at a scientific meeting with obstetricians and neonatologists, Lund.
- Participation in the Global Evidence Summit, Cape Town.
- Meeting with general practitioners’ association in Skåne to organise an event on Cochrane evidence.
- 8-hour workshop on Cochrane reviews preparation in Lund, attended by 29 participants coming not only from Skåne. Two new Cochrane reviews have been registered by people who attended this event.
- Meeting with SBU representatives, Stockholm, see image below!

- 3-hour presentation on Cochrane methodology at international agriculture meeting “Interventions for preventing injuries in the agricultural industry”, Malmö. Many thanks to Risto Rautiainen.
- 3-hour workshop at Lund University Library. Many thanks to Maria Björklund.
- Guest discussant at an international webinar, in collaboration with the Cochrane Neonatal Review Group. Many thanks to Roger Soll.
May 16, 2017: Cochrane Sweden launch in Lund!